Ohio’s Child Support Rules are changing for the first time in decades!
Did the other parent have children from previous marriages? If you were 2nd, 3rd or 4th to file for child support because the payor had kids previously on support, your child received less. Ohio’s new law changes that and makes all kids equal. No longer does the first born child get the larger child support. Find out now if your child or children are entitled to receive more child support under the new law!
If you have child care expenses or pay for your child’s health insurance, the calculations are changing and they may impact your child support. Find out now if your support would go up or down with these changes!
Ohio’s new law uses new tables and new calculation methods to calculate the proper amount of child support owable. For many middle income households, these changes may result in the child support you are receiving going up.
In the past, Ohio conducted automatic reviews every few years to see if child support should be adjusted. That is now over! Now it’s up to you to request a child support modification if you believe you are entitled to more support. Find out now by getting a Child Support Check Up for only $49!
Ohio’s new child support law may result in your child support going up or down significantly. By ordering your confidential Child Support Check Up today for only $49, our firm will confidentially re-run your child support using the newest tables and applying the newest calculations, and then send it to you.
This is YOUR CONFIDENTIAL re-calculation so you can decide whether you should seek a modification to get the child support your child is entitled to receive. These changes may significantly alter your child support. Find out how you may be affected today before the other parent does!
If your child support has changed by 10%, you are eligible for modification. Receive what your child is entitled to! If you have had a substantial change in circumstances since your child support order, you may also qualify for a modification.
We will review and re-run your child support using the new law, the new tables, and the new deductions to see if your support can go up or down. We will not share this with the other parent (or the courts) unless you decide to seek a modification to increase your child support. If your support changes by 10% or more, you can obtain a revised child support order effective on or after March 28, 2019 (the date the new law takes effect).
Find out today and get your modification started right away – you can’t get it increased if you don’t file for a modification!
As a law firm that handles child support and custody issues, we can only represent one side. Contact us before the other parent does and find out how the new Ohio Child Support Law will impact you!
The new law takes effect for all modification hearings held on or after March 28, 2019. You need to find out how the new changes will impact you and whether or not you should seek a modification. For only $49, our office will prepare a revised child support calculation using the new law and the new calculations so that you can decide if you should seek a modification or not.
Do you pay for child care? How much and for how many children? You may qualify for increased support payments. Do any of your children have special needs? Expenses you pay for them may increase your child support.
The change will not automatically apply. The Toledo Blade reported that "the bill will apply to new child-support orders or cases where people qualify to have their orders adjusted but will not retroactively alter existing orders."
For $49 We Will Review Your Child Support Order And Changes To
Determine If You Qualify To File For A Change Under The New Ohio Law.
Find Out If Your Child Support Qualifies To Be Modified Up or Down! You May Qualify for a Support Reduction Or Increase Under the New Law! But You Will Only Get It If You File For A Modification.
36 Alpha Park, Highland Heights, Ohio 44143, United States
(440) 605-9641
Open today 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
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