Intended or Not, Soon “Co-owners” = Partnership
If you own a business with another person and have not formed a separate entity (such as a Limited Liability Company), under the new Ohio Revised Uniform Partnership Act (“RUPA”) you are likely “partners” with specific rights and responsibilities.
Revised Uniform Partnership Act Defines “Partnership”
Keep Your Real Property Out of Probate
Transfer on Death Deeds Save Money, Headaches
Did you know that real property in Ohio can be transferred directly at the property owners death, avoiding probate, by creating a Transfer on Death Deed? A Transfer on Death Deed is simply a real estate deed that allows real estate to be transferred on the death of the property owner to the person designated on the deed.
LLCs Now Recognized as Nonprofits Under Ohio Law
Jeff Fanger Instrumental in This, Other Changes with Secretary of State
A new major benefit to non-profit organizations in Ohio was enacted when House Bill 160 became law in June. Under the new provisions, Ohio now will recognize the formation of nonprofit Limited Liability Companies, avoiding the increased costs and reporting requirements of a corporation in order to gain corporate protections.
Three Keys To Dealing With Litigation
By Jeffrey J. Fanger
As a small business attorney, I often have clients who face litigation for the first time. Sometimes they choose to go to court and sometimes it is an unpleasant surprise. Either way, it is often a frustrating and tense time for a business owner unfamiliar with the process.